New Hope Soap Blog

Personalized Gifts Make Unique Wedding Presents

Posted by New Hope Soap

Jul 11, 2014 11:13:54 AM

Personalized Gifts Make Unique Wedding PresentsPersonalized gifts make the most Unique Wedding Presents and are also deeply appreciated by any bride and groom. There are several things that you can do to help your next wedding couple remember your gift above all the others.

Put together a basket. Figure out the bride's color scheme in the new home (usually brides love to talk about future decorating plans so this should not be hard!), and start creating a basket with that theme.

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Topics: Wedding Gifts, Weddings, Bridesmaid Gifts

6 More Tips for Finding The Perfect Bridesmaid Dresses

Posted by New Hope Soap

Jun 30, 2014 11:17:00 AM

bridesmaid_dresses You've found the groom, the venue, and your perfect wedding dress--but now don't forget to dress the ladies who will be standing by your side on the big day. Bridesmaid dresses can be tricky, and sometimes the prospect of picking out a dress that fits the wedding and your bridesmaids can be overwhelming. Don't panic: if follow the suggestions below, both you and your bridesmaids should be happy with the result.  

1. Be budget-minded

You can't expect your bridesmaids to break the bank on a dress that--let's be honest--they probably won't have an opportunity to wear again. When you're first going dress shopping, decide on a reasonable price per dress and stick to it. 

2. Stick to a timeline 

You should begin looking for your bridesmaid dresses six-to-eight months before the wedding. This leaves plenty of time for you to pick the perfect dress, have fittings, and get alterations done, and doesn't leave you stressing for time at the last minute. 

3. Complement your style

You don't want the bridesmaid dresses to clash with your dress--or even worse, overshadow your dress completely. You also want to keep in mind the colors, theme, and location of your wedding. A short, flashy dress may not fit seamlessly with a traditional church wedding, and a taffeta gown probably won't complement a boho beach wedding. 

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Topics: Weddings, Wedding Dresses, Bridesmaid Dresses, Bridesmaids

Etsy The Best Thing that Could Happen to Your Wedding Planning Efforts

Posted by New Hope Soap

Jun 27, 2014 12:01:00 PM

wedding_-Summer-Wedding - wedding planning, wedding planners, EtsyHave you discovered Etsy yet! Originally started as a site to sell handmade arts and crafts items, it has grown to be so much more! Now Etsy is an online  shopping destination that is home to everything from best friend bracelets and infinity scarves to antique tea cups and colorful hobo bags, Etsy appears to have everything and anything you could ever want, while still staying true to its origins, lots of handcrafted products for sale by the artisans who so lovingly and artfully practice their crafts.

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Topics: Wedding Gifts, Weddings, Bridesmaid Gifts, Wedding Gift Ideas, Bridal Shower, Wedding Dresses, Bridesmaid Dresses, Wedding Favors, Groomsmen

Planning Your Own Wedding? Feeling Overwhelmed? Here's Some Helpful Resources

Posted by New Hope Soap

Jun 15, 2014 2:02:00 PM

Resources that could make your wedding planning less stressful and more productive!

wedding planning adviceAh, weddings!  Love and romance fills the air while dreams of a future together occupy the heart and mind.  The wedding plans themselves, however; can frustrate and sap the energy of even the most excited bride-to-be.  To keep you from biting your nails over the plethora of decisions that must be made, take a look at these wedding planning resources created for helping a bride plan her own wedding.

Staying within your budget is important

This should be the first thing to consider.  From choosing the venue to bridesmaid’s gifts, before you know it, you’ve over-spent your wedding allowance.  See Bridal GuideThe Simple Dollar, and The Knot, for budget-friendly advice.

Organizee your ideas

To keep your ideas together, especially if you are playing around with more than one theme idea, a wedding journal comes in handy.  Zazzle offers an array of notebooks just for the occasion that range in price from $5 to $50 with a variety of subject and design options.  Of course, if you’re a super-organizer, any pad of paper will do.  For the computer savvy, there are web sites that offer online planning software to organize your thoughts and ideas.  The Knot offers iPhone apps such as a planning checklist, wedding budgeter, and guest list manager, as well as personalized wedding websites to help organize details and showcase your ideas to family and friends.

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Topics: Weddings, Wedding Planners, Wedding Photographers, Wedding Caterers, Wedding Planning, Wedding Gift Ideas, Wedding Dresses, Wedding Favors

49 More Fun Wedding Favor Ideas

Posted by New Hope Soap

Jun 13, 2014 10:29:00 AM

49 fun wedding favor ideasAlmost anything can be used as a wedding favor, as long as it's heart-shaped, or you tie a cute saying to it, or label it with "Mr. and Mrs. John Smith, August 2014," or whatever you want to say about your wedding day. Here are 100 wacky and fun wedding favor ideas that people have actually used! Check out this Pinterest Pin Board.

Wedding Favors - Hygiene

  1. Nail files
  2. Chap stick
  3. Sunscreen
  4. Lotion
  5. Wet wipes
  6. Hand soap
  7. Shaped soap
  8. Hand sanitizer
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Topics: Wedding Gifts, Weddings, Wedding Favors

51 Fun Wedding Favor Ideas

Posted by Paul Wackell

Jun 4, 2014 10:11:34 AM

wedding_favorsAlmost anything can be used as a wedding favor, as long as it's heart-shaped, or you tie a cute saying to it, or label it with "Mr. and Mrs. John Smith, August 2014," or whatever you want to say about your wedding day. Here are 51 wacky and fun wedding favor ideas that people have actually used! Check out this Pinterest Pin Board with examples of all 51 wedding favor ideas!

Wedding Favor Ideas - Food

  1. Mints
  2. Cookies
  3. Candy
  4. Honey jars
  5. Tea bags
  6. Goodie Bags
  7. Fortune cookie
  8. Mini M&M tubes
  9. Cocktail mix
  10. Hot chocolate mix, lemonade mix, cider mix, etc.
  11. Gum
  12. Bottles of olive oil, barbecue sauce, vinegar, maple syrup, etc. maple syrup

Wedding Favor Ideas - Decor

  1. Asian fan
  2. Votive candle in fun shapes
  3. Electric candle
  4. Magnets
  5. Candle holders
  6. Tree ornaments
  7. Photo frame

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Topics: Weddings, Wedding Favors

Wedding Gifts From the Heart - A Friend is Getting Married - What Should i Get them?

Posted by New Hope Soap

May 28, 2014 10:37:58 AM

wedding-ringsWhile shopping for a unique wedding presents, make sure that it is something that they will always cherish. For example, if you're a photographer, utilize your expertise to frame a black and white picture of an abstract part of the special day, like a picture of the chapel of the church. These will hold true meanings. Alternatively, you can also create a painting from a picture that you may have seen in their social media accounts. If you know the couple particularly well, you can also create a scrapbook showcasing their relationships with their friends and family.

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Topics: Wedding Gifts, Weddings, Wedding Gift Ideas

16 Helpful Tips for Finding the Perfect Bridesmaid Dresses

Posted by New Hope Soap

May 19, 2014 4:23:00 PM

  1. purple-bridesmaid-dresses tiprs for finding the perfect bridesmaid dressesMatch the wedding dress without outshining it. Make the dresses a similar style, but more plain and simple.
  2. Don’t limit yourself to bridal stores. You just might find the perfect dresses at a prom store or a department store, or even online.
  3. Don’t even look at dresses outside the price range. It just creates problems. If you are paying for them yourself, don’t let your bridesmaids talk you into extravagant dresses. If your bridesmaids are pitching in, keep in mind their limited budgets, too.
  4. If the maid of honor has a different dress
  5. Keep in mind the different body types. Some dresses work better with bustier bridesmaids, while some work better with the long and thin girls. Look for dresses that will be flattering on all of your bridesmaids.
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Topics: Weddings, Bridesmaid Gifts, Wedding Dresses, Bridesmaid Dresses

Fitting Into Your Dress on Your Wedding Day - The Challenge!

Posted by New Hope Soap

Apr 30, 2014 3:49:00 PM

By Linda Hilliard - Author of the Book
E-mail Your Weight Away - Diet Dialoges for Women


wedding--brideandgroomEvery bride looks beautiful on her wedding day (and let’s hear it for the mothers-of-the-bride and groom, too).

As the guests ooh and aah over the loveliness of the wedding party, it’s probably just as well if they don’t know about some of the behind-the-scenes angst. Didn’t there used to be a television show called Bridezilla? I never saw it but I can imagine losing weight so a dress fits could take up several episodes and reveal the worse side of a bride’s personality.

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Topics: Food & Nutrition, Weddings, Wedding Dresses

A Wedding Shower for Dieters

Posted by New Hope Soap

Apr 8, 2014 2:10:49 PM

By Linda Hilliard - Author of the Book
E-mail Your Weight Away - Diet Dialoges for Women

132It seems like everyone is on some kind of diet these days - and no group is more diet conscious than a bridal party as they try to shed a few pounds to get ready for the big day!

If you have been charged with planning a bridal shower and you suspect that the majority of the guests will be unhappy with the usual heavy shower fare (bulky sandwiches, potato and pasta salads and trays of cookies), you may want to plan a non-traditional bridal shower.

Consider hosting a “Diet Friendly Shower.”

After first ascertaining that the bride’s feelings will not be hurt by the suggestion of a Diet Friendly Shower, you can make this a memorable, fun - and tasty - event.

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Topics: Aromatherapy,, Health & Fitness, Food & Nutrition, Weddings, Bridal Shower

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