New Hope Soap Blog

Work it Out. Top 15 Fitness Websites for Women

Posted by New Hope Soap

Jan 1, 2015 11:31:57 AM

womens-fitness-1 ftness websites for womenThe new year is around the corner and, maybe, you are hoping to make 2015 the year you work more fitness into your life and routine. But, it's difficult on your own! Here are the top 15 fitness websites for women to help you get started and make healthy choices in 2015.

  1. POPSUGAR Fitness: Dedicated to everything related to health, fitness, and nutrition. They offer tips for beating stress, losing weight, eating healthy, and keeping a good routine.
  2. Fit-Bottomed Girls: The founders of fit-bottomed girls understand that fit comes in all shapes in sizes. Since they're interested in health and fitness for everyone, they understand that it's about more than just losing weight. Their offering of workout videos, classes, and weekly newsletter are sure to get you off to a great 2015.
  3. Blisstree: This site combines snarky humor and informative tips to bring you the latest news in beauty, health, fitness, and eating well. 
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Topics: Health & Fitness, Food & Nutrition, diet and exercise, Health and Fitness tips

20 Tips To Avoid Holiday Overeating

Posted by New Hope Soap

Nov 11, 2014 11:07:43 AM

christmas-food-001 - avoid holiday overeatingAvoid Holiday Overating!

They say that the holidays are the most wonderful time of the year.  There are celebrations, parties, and gatherings to enjoy all holiday season.  While we are enjoying ourselves in the company of others, it is really easy to overindulge in all the food and treats that go hand in hand with all holiday cheer.  Here is a list of 20 tips to avoid holiday overeating.

1. Keep Your Normal Eating Schedule: Do not skip meals in anticipation of the party that is later in the day. Instead, eat lighter, healthier meals, so you can still have something to eat at the party without being so hungry that you eat everything in sight.

2. Fruit and Veggies: Most likely you are not eating enough fruit and vegetables to begin with, so start with those at the party. They will help you to fill you up without adding up to a lot of calories.

3. Watch Out For Dips and Dressings: A lot of calories can be hidden in those creamy dips and dressings. Limit yourself to a very small partition or skip them altogether.

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Topics: Health & Fitness, diet and exercise


Posted by New Hope Soap

Oct 27, 2014 3:37:08 PM

By Linda Hilliard - Author of the Book
E-mail Your Weight Away - Diet Dialoges for Women

chocolate-frosted-donuths dieting success willpowerFor me, one of the biggest challenges of dieting is food displays. Whether it’s those luscious looking doughnuts where I buy my morning coffee – or the tempting candy bar display at the grocery checkout counter – bad foods are always in front of us. If you are especially hungry when you see those displays, the temptation to buy can be overwhelming.

Food displays can be one of the ultimate tests of willpower. Let’s break it down – one willpower hurdle at a time.

Battling the Chocolate Frosted Doughnut

I haven’t had a doughnut for years, but I am always drawn to them. The doughnut that called to me the other day was not only chocolate frosted, but had some sort of chocolate cookie dough inside. And sprinkles on top. Be still my heart.

As with all willpower battles – there is a nanosecond of truth. The clerk may be looking at you as a calm person order- ing coffee, but a dieter’s inner turmoil when faced with an appealing – but lethally bad – food is tumultuous. In a split second, a dieter can take the high road “just coffee” or the failure road “and two of those doughnuts.”

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Topics: diet and exercise, dieting

Diet Success Using the "Get Over It" GOI Attitude

Posted by Linda Hilliard

Oct 27, 2014 11:02:27 AM

By Linda Hilliard - Author of the Book
E-mail Your Weight Away - Diet Dialoges for Women

14 Things that Could be Interferring with Your Success!

free-wallpaper-11Here’s the deal around successful dieting – you either want to lose weight or you don’t. This is not complicated. If you keep making excuses, why are you bothering to even be on diet?

This is not about the big stuff (nutrition, exercise, motivation), but how to deal with diet faulty thinking. It’s a random list, but I suspect many dieters will quickly identify with these.

GOI stand for Get Over It. That means accept the fact that as a dieter, you have to make changes, whether you like it or not.

  • Cheating (just a little). GOI! A lot of diets allow a cheat day – or a cheat meal – once a week. Personally, I think that’s ridiculous. You’re either in or out. And honestly, why offset a successful week of measurable weight loss with a night of beer and nachos?

  • Deserving a treat. You’ve lost 20 pounds and feel you’ve earned a food treat. GOI. You do not deserve any kind of food for losing weight. You deserve a round of applause and a “well done” (okay, and maybe a new outfit) but you have not earned the chance to go off your diet with food. What are you thinking?!!
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Topics: diet and exercise, dieting

Looking & Feeling Your Best on Your Wedding Day

Posted by Paul Wackell

Jul 8, 2014 10:00:54 AM

health and fitness tips for the bride to be for her wedding dayHealth and Fitness tips to get ready for the Wedding

Everyone wants to look their best on their wedding day. You will have these wedding pictures hanging the walls of your home and the homes of your parents and in-laws for all of the foreseeable future. You will forever be memorialized the way you look on this one day. It's too easy to stress out over your body. But here are a few things to keep in mind.

1. Plan ahead. If you plan on losing weight, do it months before your wedding. There is nothing worse than realizing the day before that your wedding dress isn't going to fit. Make sure you have time to make the proper alterations. 

2. Focus on the face. Wedding dresses these days are incredibly flattering. Most of what people will focus on will be from the shoulders up. Make sure you are using the right face wash, exfoliates; face lotion, etc. for your skin type, and the right shampoo, conditioner, and product on your hair. Also do trial runs with several make-up options and hairstyles beforehand. 

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Topics: Wedding Photography, diet and exercise, Wedding Dresses, wedding dress, Health and Fitness tips, wedding day

Pigging Out While on Vacation - The Entitlement of Eating – NOT!

Posted by New Hope Soap

Jun 4, 2014 3:41:00 PM

By Linda Hilliard - Author of the Book
E-mail Your Weight Away - Diet Dialoges for Women

fitness and nutrition advice while on vactionWhat is it about “I’m going on vacation” that becomes “I’m on vacation, I’m going to eat what I want.” Why do we go on vacation? To get away, relax and refresh, change of scenery. Most people do not set out on vacation thinking “I plan to gain 10 pounds this week” (cruise ships not withstanding!)

Just because you’re sitting on the beach or looking at the mountains, it doesn’t mean that you should throw out your diet commitment and eat everything in sight. But a lot of people do that- they struggle for a year to lose 20 pounds and blow it all in a week of eating abandon.

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Topics: Food & Nutrition, diet and exercise

When Best Friends Sabotage Each Others Diets

Posted by New Hope Soap

May 28, 2014 4:21:00 PM

By Linda Hilliard - Author of the Book
E-mail Your Weight Away - Diet Dialoges for Women

Ice-cream-with-biscuitsSomeone asked me to write about an experience she had while visiting with a friend. Both women are faithful to their diets. They support one another’s efforts and always try hard to choose wisely at every meal.

But every so often, the friendship reward/sabotage mentality slipped in. Knowing her friend loves ice cream, one asks the innocent question: “Do you want to get an ice cream?” The other thinks, “Well, I don’t need an ice cream, but since she is asking, she must want to have one.” So she responds: “Well, I’ll have on if you have one.”

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Topics: Health & Fitness, Food & Nutrition, diet and exercise

12 Things I LOVE About Sticking to My Diet

Posted by New Hope Soap

May 15, 2014 9:02:00 AM

By Linda Hilliard - Author of the Book
E-mail Your Weight Away - Diet Dialoges for Women

eating_healthy_foods - health and fitness adviceThis piece was going to be entitled “Twelve Things I HATE About Sticking to My Diet,” but, shish, what would be original about that? There isn’t an overweight person who couldn’t write easily make it a list of 100++ things to hate about a diet commitment.

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Topics: Health & Fitness, Food & Nutrition, diet and exercise

You Versus the Easter Bunny

Posted by New Hope Soap

Apr 16, 2014 9:54:00 AM

By Linda Hilliard - Author of the Book
E-mail Your Weight Away - Diet Dialoges for Women

easter-bunnyWhether you celebrate Easter of not, that #!@*(!# Easter bunny can be a serious threat to your dieting efforts. Perhaps you never have - or no longer - buy jelly beans to fill baskets (on behalf of that long-eared critter), but it’s just about impossible to pass a checkout counter this season without being tempted by an Easter treat. Whether it’s three chocolate eggs for a $1.00 - or a friendly baskets of jelly beans (“Help Yourself”) this particular holiday is right up there with the major high-calorie temptation holidays.

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Topics: Health & Fitness, Food & Nutrition, candy, diet and exercise

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