14 Things that Could be Interferring with Your Success!
Here’s the deal around successful dieting – you either want to lose weight or you don’t. This is not complicated. If you keep making excuses, why are you bothering to even be on diet?
This is not about the big stuff (nutrition, exercise, motivation), but how to deal with diet faulty thinking. It’s a random list, but I suspect many dieters will quickly identify with these.
GOI stand for Get Over It. That means accept the fact that as a dieter, you have to make changes, whether you like it or not.
- Cheating (just a little). GOI! A lot of diets allow a cheat day – or a cheat meal – once a week. Personally, I think that’s ridiculous. You’re either in or out. And honestly, why offset a successful week of measurable weight loss with a night of beer and nachos?
- Deserving a treat. You’ve lost 20 pounds and feel you’ve earned a food treat. GOI. You do not deserve any kind of food for losing weight. You deserve a round of applause and a “well done” (okay, and maybe a new outfit) but you have not earned the chance to go off your diet with food. What are you thinking?!!