New Hope Soap Blog

A Wedding Shower for Dieters

Posted by New Hope Soap

Apr 8, 2014 2:10:49 PM

By Linda Hilliard - Author of the Book
E-mail Your Weight Away - Diet Dialoges for Women

132It seems like everyone is on some kind of diet these days - and no group is more diet conscious than a bridal party as they try to shed a few pounds to get ready for the big day!

If you have been charged with planning a bridal shower and you suspect that the majority of the guests will be unhappy with the usual heavy shower fare (bulky sandwiches, potato and pasta salads and trays of cookies), you may want to plan a non-traditional bridal shower.

Consider hosting a “Diet Friendly Shower.”

After first ascertaining that the bride’s feelings will not be hurt by the suggestion of a Diet Friendly Shower, you can make this a memorable, fun - and tasty - event.

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Topics: Aromatherapy,, Health & Fitness, Food & Nutrition, Weddings, Bridal Shower

Don’t Pack on the Pounds After Your Dream Wedding!

Posted by New Hope Soap

Feb 5, 2014 11:05:00 AM

 By Linda Hilliard - Author of the Book
E-mail Your Weight Away - Diet Dialoges for Women

wedding cake - health and fitness tips from New Hope SoapThe wedding’s over, the happy couple is back from their honeymoon. On to marital and domestic bliss and - sigh - gaining weight.

Prior to the wedding, a bride and groom tend to be super conscious of their weight. If they don’t shed a few pounds, at least they try not to gain any extra weight that might make the tux a smidge tight or the dress bulge a bit.

But once the honeymoon is over (in fact even during the honeymoon), the siren call of tasty foods can sometimes have a negative impact on the newlyweds’ scale.

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Topics: Health & Fitness, Food & Nutrition, Weddings

Valentine's Day Gifts: The Gift She Won't Secretly Hate You For: Chocolate!

Posted by New Hope Soap

Jan 27, 2014 11:43:21 AM

valentines day gifts with lots of caloriesWith Valentine’s Day fast approaching that age old struggle for men across the country begins anew. What do I get the women in my life! Should I go with the tried and true, a card, some chocolates, and flowers, or should I actually put some thought into it and be more creative. Hummm! – What’s a guy to do?

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Topics: Bar Soaps, Health & Fitness, Food & Nutrition

Dieting for Your Wedding – Don’t Become a Shrew

Posted by New Hope Soap

Jan 26, 2014 1:30:00 PM

By Linda Hilliard - Author of the Book
E-mail Your Weight Away - Diet Dialoges for Women


Kate-MiddletonI remember when Kate Middleton was preparing to marry Prince William and a newswoman observed that like so many brides, Kate was trying to lose a few pounds. I was shocked. Kate seems (to me) to be extremely thin and hardly in need of “Shedding a few pounds.”

There’s no denying that brides often go on diets before their weddings. In fact wedding dresses purchased in January may need to be taken in a bit before the June nuptials.

Watching my own two daughters walk down the aisle, I totally understand the desire to be thinner for that special day (hey, mother-of the brides here also shed a few pounds for the occasions).

HOWEVER, when it comes to dieting for a wedding, I would caution brides (and the entire wedding party) not to succumb to “I have to be stick thin to be beautiful” thinking.

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Topics: Health & Fitness, Food & Nutrition, Wedding Gifts, Weddings

Valentine's Candy: What’s a Dieter to Do...

Posted by New Hope Soap

Jan 14, 2014 1:22:00 PM

By Linda Hilliard - Author of the Book
E-mail Your Weight Away - Diet Dialoges for Women

Valentine's day candy - how do you keep your willpower!No matter where you live - this has been an unpleasant winter. The only bright spot at this time of year is Valentine’s Day with its cheery colors and sweet messages of love.

Oh, no Valentine’s Day! That means large heart-shaped boxes of chocolates (yum, caramels!); checkout counters displaying marshmallow treats (only 50 cents each); bakeries showing cakes with thick red and pink frosting; M&Ms in red and white; and those melt-in-your mouth little chocolate hearts wrapped in red and silver foil... STOP!

What is a dieter to do?! Especially a dieter who has a sweetheart or friends who are apt to present a two pound box of chocolates or bags of those yummy chocolate hearts wrapped in foil (okay my favorite!).

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Topics: Health & Fitness, Food & Nutrition, candy

10 Things You Might Not Know About White Tea

Posted by New Hope Soap

Dec 31, 2013 12:12:34 PM

White TeaRecently the benefits of tea has been all the rage in news articles, blogs, daytime talk shows and more. You can’t go a week without some self proclaimed health guru extolling the benefits of green tea extract, or black tea extract or white tea extract. Pills abound for these and other extracts like coffee and red wine, all proclaiming to be the cure for aging, or heart disease, or some other health problem.

What is the average person to think? Tea in general has been one of the world’s most popular beverages for centuries. Tea has become ingrained in cultures throughout the world in daily life, in ceremonies, and in popular culture.

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Topics: Essential Oils, Bar Soaps, Fragrances, Health & Fitness, Wedding Gifts, White Tea

Getting Real About Those New Year's Resolutions

Posted by Paul Wackell

Dec 27, 2013 11:20:04 AM

By Linda Hilliard - Author of the Book
E-mail Your Weight Away - Diet Dialoges for Women

I’ve been going to a local gym for about three years. I have to admit I am bemused by how busy the gym becomes as of January 2nd. The other regulars and I arrive and find the “just busy enough” gym jumping with crowds of people puffing and panting on the treadmills and elliptical machines. Many of the newcomers are wearing nifty workout outfits (I’m a little embarrassed in my old T-shirt and faded pants). 

willpowerWhat’s sad to observe is the rapid drop off rate. By January 15th, many of the newcomers aren’t there anymore and by the end of the month, even more have dropped out. Of course a few stay on and join us regulars, but the majority of enthusiastic exercisers have simply gone away; having packed their gym clothes for “maybe later.”

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Topics: Health & Fitness, Food & Nutrition

Getting Through the Holiday Season Without Totally Blowing the Diet (Part 2)

Posted by New Hope Soap

Dec 18, 2013 4:17:11 PM

By Linda Hilliard - Author of the Book
E-mail Your Weight Away - Diet Dialoges for Women

Read Part 1 Here!

In my last blog, I talked about how I made it through a high calorie holiday meal without going off my diet. The secret was willpower.

Where do you find the inner strength to resist eating a 12-course meal topped off with two or three desserts?

FettucineAlfredoThe answer is fairly simple: Your desire to lose needs to be more important than a plate of scallops or fettuccini alfredo. Sadly, it’s amazing how a goal to fit in a smaller size outfit can go out the window when faced with a plate of sugar cookies.

There’s no magic wand that will make your love of food become secondary to your desire to lose weight. Sure, during the week you can do the broiled chicken breast diet, but there are always occasions that place high calorie foods directly in front of you.

What to do? Surprisingly, my answer is Eat It! Yes, if a food you absolutely adore is put in front of you, enjoy! HOWEVER, totally enjoy only that one food - that one dish - and refuse the rest. Alas, as we know too well, once the appetite has been whetted, it’s hard to stop.

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Topics: Health & Fitness, Food & Nutrition

Getting Through the Holiday Season Without Totally Blowing Your Diet (Part 1)

Posted by New Hope Soap

Dec 16, 2013 6:14:00 PM

By Linda Hilliard - Author of the Book
E-mail Your Weight Away - Diet Dialoges for Women

eahing healthy during the holiday seasonTwo years ago I went to an Italian Christmas Eve dinner (but not the traditional seven course fish dinner; rather 12 courses!). The event started at 4:00 and went to 11:00 PM. It was an amazing array of food; the hostesses had cooked for weeks ahead. The 14 guests ate and ate and ate. The 15th guest (me!) did not eat one thing.

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Topics: Health & Fitness, Food & Nutrition

Holiday Eating - Feeding the Family and Not Yourself (Part 3)

Posted by New Hope Soap

Dec 15, 2013 11:39:19 AM

By Linda Hilliard - Author of the Book
E-mail Your Weight Away - Diet Dialoges for Women

Healty Eating Habits - feeding your family and not yourself - Linda HilliardIt’s tough to be on a diet, see others enjoying (even relishing) their high calorie food, and not get a sense of “poor me.” Get over it! Look at it this way – “poor you” has been overeating for years; that’s why you’re on a diet.

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Topics: Health & Fitness, Food & Nutrition

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