With the holiday season fast upon us, millions of Americans will be going home to spend the holidays with friends and family. And many of us will stay with those very friends and families rather than staying at a hotel or motel. Invitations to stay with family and friends can be a great thing! It can make it easier on the guest, no hotel check-ins and departures, no hotel fees, less traveling back and forth to the parties and hotels.
- Be polite, respectful and caring for the duration!
- Don’t take your hosts for granted!
- Arrive on time, not early, not late!
- Don’t invite yourself to extend the stay – Don’t overstay your welcome!
- Bring a gift for you hosts
- Pitch in! Clean up after yourself
- Do your own laundry
- Keep your room clean
- Keep the guest bath clean
- Offer to help with cooking or setting the table
- Clean up yourself after meals – do your own dishes and keep the kitchen neat
- Offer to run errands
Be respectful of your hosts schedule
- If you stay up late or rise early be quite and let your hosts sleep
- Don’t expect your host to entertain you the entire duration of your stay
- Offer to help whenever you can
- Even though may be anxious to see everyone if you are sick – stay home
- If you have children make sure they respect the home they are in – no jumping on furniture, no touching the hosts’ treasures.
- When leaving strip the beds and bring the sheets and towels to the laundry room
- When leaving be sure to say thank you
- Send a follow-up thank you note after your stay
- Follow the Golden Rule!
- Continue to follow Golden Rule!
And most of all have a wonderful festive holiday season with your friends and family. Share the love, laughter and good times!